Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement
Implementing Partner: 
Association Malienne pour la Solidarité et le Développement (AMSODE)
Sub-Project title: 
Appui à la Prise en Charge Psychologique et Juridique des Survivantes de Violences Basées sur le Genre (VBG) et au Renforcement de l’Accès à la Justice
Amount awarded: 
XOF 20,669,725
mars, 2024 - juillet, 2024

This sub-project aimed to reinforce access to high-quality psychosocial and judicial services for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and host communities, specifically survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) and people in conflict with the law, while also strengthening the collaboration between communities and justice service providers. In order to achieve these objectives, the Association Malienne pour la Solidarité et le Développement (AMSODE) created free exchange spaces for IDPs and host communities; delivered a series of workshops on the provision of psychological and judicial services to criminal justice actors, including police and prison officers; established a referral mechanism for GBV survivors and people in conflict with the law; and conducted a series of awareness-raising activities on the available psychological and judicial services for sub-project beneficiaries. AMSODE further organized a series of information sessions for IDPs and host communities on the international and national legal frameworks on IDPs, with a focus on the Kampala Convention, and established an information-sharing network to facilitate interaction between the parties. Finally, AMSODE provided logistical support to Mopti’s detention center and police station to improve their working and detention conditions.

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