Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement
Global Interest
Implementing Partner: 
Wageningen University
Sub-Project title: 
World Food Map: Integration of Neglected and Underutilized Species (NUS)
Amount awarded: 
EUR 891,711
septembre, 2024 - août, 2026

Under the framework of the Global Regulatory and Fiscal Capacity Building Programme (Global RECAP), this sub-project aims to strengthen the global knowledge and capacity of public institutions and decision makers, and provide evidence-based and coordinated guidance on creating healthier food environments for all through an interactive map that identifies foods consumed by people in each ecoregion and their composition. The World Food Map is an interactive platform that integrates national data of the most commonly consumed foods aimed at fostering a common understanding of human health, culture, interaction with markets and the environment, and informing actions by relevant stakeholders to promote more sustainable, resilient and healthier food environments and promote biodiversity. Wageningen University is working to expand this global database by identifying key food species, including neglected and underutilized species (NUS), that can help mitigate nutritional deficiencies, environmental degradation, and economic instability, therefore addressing some of the most pressing environmental, nutritional and health challenges at global, regional and national level. Furthermore, Wageningen University is collecting and analysing data on NUS and commonly consumed food items missing from the World Food Map; integrating the findings of the research into the World Food Map, together with an ecozone layer to facilitate the identification of optimal zones for the growth and conservation of NUS; and will eventually disseminate the findings of the research and the World Food Map through a series of webinars to raise awareness and acceptance about the importance of NUS and support broader uptake of the World Food Map by scientists, policymakers and educators.

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