Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement

33rd Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

Statement by the Director-General, Ms Jan Beagle

General Debate
Vienna, 13 May 2024
Mr. Chairman,
Madame Executive Director,

It is a pleasure to address the Commission on behalf of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO).

As the only global intergovernmental organization exclusively devoted to promoting the rule of law to advance peace and sustainable development, IDLO strongly believes that effective and accessible criminal justice systems are critical to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

IDLO works with partners to strengthen all parts of the justice chain to promote accountability through enhancing investigation, prosecution, adjudication and post-trial responses in countries as diverse as Afghanistan, Armenia, the Bahamas, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Honduras, Liberia, Moldova, Mongolia, North Macedonia, the Philippines, Somalia, The Sahel, and Ukraine.

Allow me to share three insights from IDLO’s work relevant to your deliberations.

First, multistakeholder and coordinated cross-border approaches are essential in combating various forms of transnational organized crime.

In Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique, for example, IDLO is implementing a sub-regional programme to bolster policy and legal frameworks, strengthen resilience, and reinforce the capacities of investigators, prosecutors, and adjudicators and their ability to collaborate.

Second, the rule of law can increase the ability to detect and prevent corruption and illicit financial flows, and facilitate asset recovery, which is essential for inclusive economic development. Effective laws and accessible and accountable institutions are essential to promote transparency and build trust.

In Somalia, for instance, IDLO has supported the establishment of a Financial Reporting Centre to help prevent money laundering and support the government to investigate and prosecute offenders.

Third, digital innovation can significantly contribute to closing the justice gap, empowering justice seekers and improving cost-effectiveness, transparency, and responsiveness of criminal justice systems. It can empower justice seekers and transform institutions.

IDLO has supported its partners to harness digital solutions in crime prevention and criminal justice such as e-filing systems, virtual hearings, issuance of electronic court decisions, and digitized case management systems.

Such mechanisms must be rights-based and carefully designed to avoid creating new forms of inequality.

I particularly want to emphasize the fundamental role of women and young people. IDLO puts gender equality at the centre of its mandate, promoting concrete measures to close the gender justice gap.

We are also committed to engaging with young people as equal partners in building more just and inclusive societies.

The broadest possible partnerships, at national, regional and international levels, are central in this effort, and IDLO is committed to collaborating with all partners to implement the Kyoto Declaration, as part of our shared commitment to realise the 2030 Agenda.