Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement

Kyrgyz judges sharpen media relations skills

30 Juil 2019

Judges in the Kyrgyz Republic are sharpening their media relations skills, thanks to a new training session conducted by the country's Supreme Court.

Running from 24 to 25 July, 2019, the training's objective was to increase the openness and transparency of the judicial system by strengthening the relationship between the judiciary and the press.

The training is supported by the IDLO-USAID Trusted Judiciary program, and was the final session in a series that reached judges from all regions throughout the country, including Chui oblast, Osh and Jalalabad cities, Talas, Naryn, Issyk Kul oblasts and the capital, Bishkek.

It also follows a sequence of activities under the IDLO-USAID program to improve public awareness of - and, in turn, public trust in - the justice system. 

“The media plays an important role in ensuring justice and fairness,” commented the Chairman of the Supreme Court, Gulbara Kaliyeva. “Journalists can ask judges about ongoing judicial reforms and court cases, so it is important to educate judges on the art of speaking to the media and the public.”

The training was prompted by a need for judges to be ready to speak in front of journalists, as the press increasingly seeks to access information and interview judges on judicial reforms and decisions.

“The need for interaction with the media and the public is growing every day,” said Fred Huston, IDLO’s Country Director for Kyrgyzstan. “IDLO is pleased to be a partner in conducting such an event that leads to improved public awareness.”

Over the course of the two days, participants learned public relations techniques, strategies for relaying information effectively and specific skills on how speak to the public and the media.

Going forward, IDLO and the Supreme Court will continue to collaborate under the program to engage judges in public speaking and media interviews through Expert Cafés, DanakarTalks platforms and other roundtable activities.

The USAID-IDLO Trusted Judiciary program aims to increase public trust in the judiciary as an independent branch of power that protects citizens’ rights and upholds the rule of law in the Kyrgyz Republic.
