IDLO is working around the world in countries including Indonesia, Kenya, the Philippines and Ukraine to combat all forms of corruption by making justice institutions cleaner and more responsive, reducing conflicts of interest in procurement and public life, and enhancing the capacity of institutions and justice actors to fight fraud and economic crime.
In video interviews, two of the key persons in the fight against corruption in Ukraine talk about their work and about the important contribution IDLO made to the institution building and capacity strengthening that form the foundation of these efforts.
The High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine opened its doors on September 5, 2019 after a year of intense preparations. IDLO played an instrumental role in ensuring the integrity, transparency and accountability of the selection process, by supporting the Public Council of International Experts that was responsible for selecting the judges for the bench.
IDLO has also supported the electronic procurement system ProZorro, one of the most ambitious technology projects in Ukraine, to train public procurers in using the electronic, fully transparent system. ProZorro’s unique cooperation model unites community activists, business and government to help fight corruption and restore trust in public procurement.
Yevheni Kruk is one of the judges who passed through the rigorous testing and vetting to take a place on the bench of the High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine that opened its doors on September 5, 2019. |
Vasilyy Zadvornyy heads the internationally award-winning ProZorro project, an electronic procurement system that has drastically improved accountability and transparency of public procurement throughout Ukraine. |