(Kabul, Afghanistan) A delegation of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), led by its Director-General Irene Khan, has concluded a visit to Kabul, Afghanistan where she met President Ashraf Ghani and the leadership of the country’s justice institutions to discuss the importance of justice sector reform in ensuring Afghanistan’s stability, access to justice and development.
The purpose of the visit by the international delegation was to discuss the performance challenges faced by the justice institutions and IDLO’s programs on capacity development.
IDLO welcomed the commitment of the National Unity Government to judicial reform, and reiterated its goal to transfer its programs for institutional development and capacity building to the Afghan justice institutions in a responsible and sustainable manner.
The Organization looks forward to continuing its cooperation and collaboration with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to build a justice sector that is goal oriented, demand driven and inclusive of women’s rights.
Read the press release issued by the Office of the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
- Afghanistan has been a Member Party of IDLO since 2012.
- IDLO has been working with Afghan institutions and civil society since 2002 to build capacity in the criminal justice sector, including tackling gender based violence.