28 mars, 2018
Panel discussion - Women Justice Professionals and Gender Equality: Contributions, Challenges and Ways Forward
The effective participation of women in all aspects of justice delivery is a human right – an integral part of their participation in public and political life, and a valuable component of governance. This right has been affirmed at the highest level, with the 2030 Agenda’s...
15 mars, 2018
HIGH LEVEL SIDE EVENT Legal Frameworks for the Empowerment of Rural Women: Case Studies From Across the SDGs
Rural women, serving as key agents in the eradication of poverty and the achievement of sustainable development, face particularized problems differentiating their lives from urban counterparts. In a largely agricultural setting, issues affecting agricultural production such as access...
13 mars, 2018
HIGH LEVEL SIDE EVENT Closing the Gender Gap: Achieving Gender Parity in UN Human Rights Bodies
This event constitutes a unique opportunity to bring together a diverse group of experts and stakeholders to discuss and elaborate on sustainable solutions to issues affecting women’s right to equality. A critical component of women’s empowerment and equality is the representation of women in...
12 mars, 2018
SIDE EVENT Creating a Culture of Gender Justice: A Multi-Dimensional Approach
Taking place during the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women, this side-event will provide an opportunity for Member States, and civil society to discuss critical issues related to gender justice as a key enabler for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and a key...
16 février, 2018
La Organización Internacional de Derecho para el Desarrollo (IDLO) invita el público de San Pedro Sula a una exposición fotográfica que muestra la belleza y la realidad del sector de Chamelecón a través de los ojos de los jóvenes de la comunidad.
Una historia de violencia ha dejado profundas cicatrices en el tejido social de este sector. A través de un curso de fotografía, IDLO trabajó ...
10 janvier, 2018
Due to their common heritage of legal systems and long standing mutual collaboration, the Netherlands and Indonesia have a unique opportunity to learn from each other’s developments and experiences, and contribute to strengthening the rule of law and its institutions in both countries.
Since 2015, IDLO has been administering the Indonesia-Netherlands Rule of Law Fund of the Embassy of the...
8 décembre, 2017
Effective participation of women in all aspects of justice delivery is an integral part of their participation in public and political life, and a valuable component of governance. It is a human right and a matter of fairness.
This right has been affirmed at the highest level – with Sustainable Development Goals 5 and 16 of the 2030 Agenda focusing squarely on women’s full and effective...
4 décembre, 2017
The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) and the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), are implementing a joint capacity-building programme to support the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol with financial support from the Japan Biodiversity Fund and the European Union.
28 novembre, 2017
The forthcoming Annual Meeting of the Assembly of Parties & Partnership Forum 2017 will take place on November 28 and 29, 2017 in Rome, at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation.
As the international community faces increasingly complex challenges in dealing with conflicts and in making the 2030 Agenda real, IDLO's 2017...
27 octobre, 2017
Fecha: desde el 13 de noviembre hasta el 10 de diciembre 2017
Donde: Online
Idioma: Español
Objetivo: Al final del curso los participantes estarán en capacidad de usar el derecho y la política legislativa en favor de una respuesta eficaz...