25 septembre, 2018
Panel discussion – Is the law with us or against us?: The role of law in restricting or strengthening women’s economic rights
While women have made great strides in bringing about gender-responsive laws, available evidence consistently points to serious gaps in ensuring legal protection for women and girls. Recent figures have shown that inadequate legal protection affects over 2.5...
4 septembre, 2018
Dialogue on Electoral Justice: Exploring approaches for effective dispute resolution
Electoral justice is a key concern for both emerging and consolidated democracies. As a competition for political power, elections invite disputes at all stages of the electoral cycle and judicial redress is a fundamental element for the effective protection of civil and political rights.
Despite efforts to...
23 juillet, 2018
Since 2015, IDLO has been managing the Indonesia-Netherlands Rule of Law Fund (RoLF) program, which builds on Indonesian development plans and continues the efforts of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Jakarta to support the consolidation of the rule of law and reform agenda. The primary objective of the RoLF is to support the development of...
6 juin, 2018
Equality for women and girls is a right in itself and is being advanced by Goals 5 and 16 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. An increasing number of international policy and legal instruments affirm that access to justice is not only essential to equality for women and girls, but is central to the enjoyment of other rights and critical to achieving...
29 mai, 2018
Global Peer-to-Peer Dialogue on Human Rights, Biodiversity and SDGs
The diversity of all forms of life on our planet and healthy ecosystems providing ecosystem services, such as provision of food, pollination of crops and fulfilment of people’s cultural life, are necessary for enjoying a broad range of universal human rights including the right to food, right to health and cultural rights...
28 mai, 2018
Inaugural Meeting: High-level Group on Justice for Women
Update (as of July 27, 2018): The Inaugural Meeting Report is now available below
“Equal and effective justice for women and girls forms the basis of more sustainable and inclusive patterns of development, and is essential to achieve the aspirational goal of the 2030 Agenda to reach the furthest behind.”
After the launch of the...
3 mai, 2018
Joint Forum – Why Our Work Matters? Revisiting Institutional Efforts on Justice and Integrity
The realization of justice depends on respect for institutions and the rule of law. By adhering to well-defined legislation, impartial rulings can facilitate a fair, efficient and accountable delivery of justice.
Corruption, however, challenges the rule of law and justice and stifles societal...
28 mars, 2018
Panel discussion - Women Justice Professionals and Gender Equality: Contributions, Challenges and Ways Forward
The effective participation of women in all aspects of justice delivery is a human right – an integral part of their participation in public and political life, and a valuable component of governance. This right has been affirmed at the highest level, with the 2030 Agenda’s...
15 mars, 2018
HIGH LEVEL SIDE EVENT Legal Frameworks for the Empowerment of Rural Women: Case Studies From Across the SDGs
Rural women, serving as key agents in the eradication of poverty and the achievement of sustainable development, face particularized problems differentiating their lives from urban counterparts. In a largely agricultural setting, issues affecting agricultural production such as access...
13 mars, 2018
HIGH LEVEL SIDE EVENT Closing the Gender Gap: Achieving Gender Parity in UN Human Rights Bodies
This event constitutes a unique opportunity to bring together a diverse group of experts and stakeholders to discuss and elaborate on sustainable solutions to issues affecting women’s right to equality. A critical component of women’s empowerment and equality is the representation of women in...