Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement


25 novembre, 2015
People living with HIV and HIV legal experts from around the world are to convene in Harare, Zimbabwe, later this month for the 3rd Inter-regional Consultation on HIV-related legal services and rights, organised by IDLO. The consultation will take place just prior to the International Conference on AIDS and STDs in Africa (ICASA). Participants from the...
14 octobre, 2015
IDLO Photo Exhibition on justice and the new development agenda opens in New York at UN Headquarters Sponsored by IDLO with Majority World – a platform for photojournalists from developing countries who seek diverse and authentic narratives from their regions – the exhibit opened last week at the United Nations, in the aftermath of the historic UN summit that adopted the 2030 Agenda for...
Photo: Hasin Hayder
1 octobre, 2015
Realizing the Right to Food: Legal Strategies and Approaches A panel discussion organized by IDLO and Milan Centre for Food Law and Policy   3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (registration from 2:30pm) Milan Expo - Angola Pavilion    RSVP: and   The right to food is a universal human right that is...
24 septembre, 2015
An IDLO-backed Rule of Law Centre has opened its doors in the city of Mandalay -- the first of four such Centres, with the remaining three slated for Myitkyina, Taunggyi and Yangon. The project seeks to consolidate the knowledge, skills and values of legal professionals, as well as foster general awareness of the law among the public....
17 septembre, 2015
"Experience shows that there can be no gender equality unless women can access justice and dispense justice," IDLO Director of External Relations Judit Arenas has said at the launch of the GQUAL campaign for gender parity in international bodies. "Equal participation of women is fundamental to democracy and inclusive societies, which in turn bring better development dividends." Launched...
22 septembre, 2015
IDLO’s Country Director for Somalia Adam-Shirwa Jama, responds to IDLO LinkedIn group members' questions: Many thanks to the members for your interest in IDLO’s work in Somalia. Apologies if we didn’t manage to answer all your questions, we’ll arrange another session in the near future. Q - According to the World Bank’s World Development Report “Conflict, Security and...
7 juillet, 2015
Alongside the University of Pennsylvania Law School, IDLO organized a panel discussion under the theme 'Leaving no one behind: The rule of law as a force for delivering an integrated people-centered development agenda' at the United Nations in New York. It marked a burgeoning relationship between an intergovernmental organization and an academic institution, both working to create a culture...
7 juillet, 2015
Panel Discussion cosponsored by Italy and Pakistan: EQUITY, SOCIAL JUSTICE AND THE RULE OF LAW ACROSS THE SDGs From the "what" to the "how”: policy choices; measuring impact; tracking progress. Tuesday, July 7, 2015 1:15 p.m.- 2:30 p.m. UN Headquarters New York Conference Room 12 Now that a consensus on the "what" (the coverage of the Sustainable Development Goals, their...
24 juin, 2015
Side Event: Access to Legal Information An instrument to empower the power, promote economic growth and engage citizens to partner with governments in achieving inclusive, sustainable growth 24 June 2015 1:15 - 2:45pm ​Conference Room 7 United Nations, New York The objective of this side event is to offer an opportunity to discuss how free, timely and online access to...
8 juin, 2015
IDLO Somalia Country Director Adam-Shirwa Jama told a Washington roundtable hosted by the United States Institute of Peace that reform of the justice system had begun in Somalia. While it would take time for justice institutions to reach the whole of the country, Mr. Jama said, IDLO was encouraged by the international support given to these nascent institutions. The roundtable – held on June 8...
