SIDE EVENT: on the occasion of the 2016 CFS Plenary session, IDLO in collaboration with the Italian Mission to the International Organizations in Rome will host a side event to launch a new policy report 'WOMEN, FOOD, LAND: EXPLORING RULE OF LAW LINKAGES'; and organize an interactive panel discussion on how rule of law strategies and approaches can promote gender equality in the area of land, natural resources and food security. The interactive panel will be moderated by IDLO's Research and Learning Director and composed of experts from institutions, international organizations, civil society, and private sector.
Further information on panelists to come.
8:30 - 10:00. Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome (location) - Iraq Room: Bldg A/B Flr 2
If you would like to confirm your interest please RSVP to
For non-CFS Plenary delegates, RSVP will be required by Wednesday, October 6, to enable your security administration and clearance on the day of the event.
Event Abstract:
How rule of law strategies and approaches can promote gender equality in the area of land, natural resources and food security
Globally, the intersection of gender, land and food security has been increasingly explored, and there is gradual recognition that women’s right to land and other resources is critical to food security. The FAO 2012 State of Food and Agriculture report suggests that increasing agricultural productivity for women due to gender–specific social norms would have significant impacts in alleviating world hunger. Studies also show that when assets, including land, are in the hands of women, it leads to families allocating more resources to food and nutrition, which influences health outcomes.
However, the role of the rule of law in this nexus is not well understood and discriminatory laws continue to prevail. Although data may be limited, there have been several rule of law initiatives within the land, gender and food security nexus that can offer lessons for moving forward.
IDLO, with the sponsorship of Irish Aid and the Government of Italy, has produced the policy report ‘WOMEN, FOOD, LAND: EXPLORING RULE OF LAW LINKAGES - USING LAW TO STRENGTHEN FOOD SECURITY AND LAND RIGHTS FOR WOMEN’, which seeks to influence the global dialogue on land, gender equality and food security through the provision of concrete lessons and recommendations.
The purpose of this event is to present and disseminate the main highlights of the report and open a policy dialogue on effective rule of law strategies and approaches to promoting gender equality in the area of land, natural resources and food security.