Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement

HLPF 2019 | Advancing the Role of Women in Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Side event on Advancing the Role of Women in Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Collective efforts to advance women’s roles in institutional and legislative reforms and policy decision-making at all levels furthers the goals of achieving strong, inclusive, and lasting economies for future generations. Panelists, each relying on evidence-based case studies, will discuss how stakeholders have developed and implemented successful strategies to achieve active and equal participation by women and girls in efforts to establish peaceful and just societies and have empowered them through equal rights, inclusive participation, and economic opportunities. Each case study will address key hurdles presented, the specific approach to problem solving with a view toward showing the audience a wide variety of successful working models to achieve equal access to justice for all, gender equality, and women’s empowerment.


1pm - 2.30pm EDT | Wednesday, 10 July, 2019 | United States Mission to the United Nations, 799 United Nations Plaza, New York

Welcome remarks:

  • Representative of the US Mission to the United Nations


  • Irene Khan, Director-General, International Development Law Organization (IDLO)​
  • Shahrashoub Razavi, Chief of Research and Data, UN Women
  • Laura Addati, Policy Specialist Women’s Economic Empowerment, International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • Steve Hollingworth, President and CEO, Grameen Foundation


  • Renee Dopplick, Committee of Representatives and Observers to the UN, American Bar Association (ABA)


By invitation only. Request an invite:


American Bar Association (ABA)International Development Law Organization (IDLO) | UN WomenInternational Labour Organization (ILO) | World Justice ProjectUnitarian Universalist Association (UUA)Grameen Foundation