Organisation Internationale de Droit du Développement

High-Level Roundtable on Women and Legislative Reform: Case Studies from the Field

The last two decades following the Beijing Platform of Action have seen a proliferation of laws that address gender equality in intersecting areas of women’s political and economic participation, violence against women, equal pay for equal work, family relations, reproductive rights, land and property rights, and access to services. Despite the efflorescence of gender equality laws, the implementation of these laws have faced challenges across regions. More can be done to strengthen enforcement mechanisms, adequate resources, budgetary allocations, accountability and reporting mechanisms, interagency collaborations, civil society watch dog coalitions and awareness raising. More than 20 years after the Beijing Platform of Action, the under enforcement of gender equality laws remain the "Unfinished business of the 21st Century." 

 Tweets from the High Level Roundtable


Friday, 10 March 2017 | from 9:00 EST | New York

On the eve of the Commission on the Status of Women's 61st session in New York, Penn Law,  UN WomenUNESCOThe UN Sustainable Development Goals Fund, and IDLO, will convene leading women jurists, legislators, policymakers and advocates who have engaged in legislative and policy drafting in their countries for a high level roundtable hosted by the premier law firm of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen and Katz.

Against the backdrop of the CSW's annual two-week session when representatives of UN Member States, civil society organizations and UN entities gather to shape global standards on gender equality, this high level roundtable will help to analyze the transformation of laws on the books to laws in practice through the prism of representative case studies. The roundtable will spur critical thinking and dialogue on the importance of gender disaggregated data analysis, and theoretical and practical strategies to translate laws into action. 


Follow the event's live updates on Twitter @IDLO, starting at 9:00 EST.

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