What are the challenges and opportunities for using laws for biodiversity? Traditional concepts of “laws for biodiversity” have tended to focus on law as a tool for enforcement, limiting pollution and protecting wildlife, plants and parks. But laws can achieve more, providing a tool for enabling action to address the underlying drivers of biodiversity loss, enhancing benefits and fostering collaborations for biodiversity.
IDLO, the CBD Secretariat and the Swiss Federal Office of the Environment, together with partners, will host a global forum to foster peer-to-peer sharing of country experiences on the challenges and opportunities with using biodiversity laws on the margins of the 5th Meeting of the Working Group on Implementation (WGRI 5) of the CBD. The Dialogue, to be held on June 21st in Montreal, Canada, will bring together WGRI-5 country delegates and legal experts to share the challenges, progress, innovations and tools to use law to achieve broad biodiversity goals under NBSAPs. Issues to be discussed include the role of legal frameworks for implementing the Nagoya Protocol, mainstreaming biodiversity values, supportive incentive measures, engaging communities.