International Development Law Organization

Sexual Diversity in South and South-East Asia

IDLO has worked with national human rights bodies in Asia to reduce discrimination related to sexual orientation and gender identity. The programe was carried out in collaboration with advocates from lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) communities, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Asia Pacific Forum for National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs).

Child Justice in Eastern Europe and CIS

IDLO has partnered with UNICEF to study the factors which support or inhibit children’s equitable access to justice in post-communist societies. The nine-month research project in Albania, Montenegro, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan will conclude in 2014. It will provide greater insight into local realities, concerns and approaches, and make culturally appropriate, sustainable and effective recommendations for policy and programming.

Judicial Independence in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The Bishkek Forum, held in the Kyrgyz capital in March 2013, was an international conference organized by IDLO to strengthen the independence of the judiciary and improve the administration of justice across much of the former Soviet space. The Forum drew chief justices from host nation Kyrgyzstan, neighbors Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, as well as regional superpower Russia, Georgia and Ukraine to discuss the effective and transparent management of courts.


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