International Development Law Organization

Who are our key partners?

The Initiative is supported by a multiple donors and partners working collaboratively to achieve its objectives.

CBD SecretariatThe Secretariat is the global focal point for Convention for Biological Diversity, responsible for facilitating and supporting implementation of the Convention by Parties and stakeholders. The Initiative is implemented in partnership with the CBD Secretariat who provides support and advice on program strategy and activities.

Japan Biodiversity Fund: The JBF supports developing countries by strengthening their capacity to implement the CBD, in particular actions to implement the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and revise National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs).  The JBF supports the Initiative’s activities related to the development of practical tools and capacity building of developing country lawyers.

ABS Capacity Development Initiative: The ABS Initiative is a multi-donor Initiative that aims to support relevant stakeholders in the African, Caribbean and Pacific regions in developing and implementing national access and benefit-sharing regulations, in particular to ratify and implement the Nagoya Protocol. The ABS Initiative and IDLO have partnered, together with experts from the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, to develop focused guidance tools on legal preparedness for Target 16 on the Nagoya Protocol and to build up the capacities of legal practitioners in the ACP region to provide advice on legislative approaches to ratify and operationalize the Nagoya Protocol.

Swiss Federal Office for the Environment: The Swiss FOEN is committed to developing coherent, comprehensive and efficient international environmental policy. In the area of biodiversity, the Swiss FOEN supports strengthening synergies and ensuring the coherent design of the implementation of the CBD, its international instruments and finance mechanism.  The Swiss FOEN support the Initiative’s work to raise global awareness through peer-to-peer experience sharing between countries on biodiversity laws in events and online forums.

SwedBio: SwedBio is a knowledge interface at Stockholm Resilience Centre contributing to poverty alleviation, equity, sustainable livelihoods and social-ecological systems rich in biodiversity that persist, adapt and transform under global change such as climate change. SwedBio enables knowledge generation, dialogue and exchange between practitioners, policy makers and scientists for development and implementation of policies and methods at multiple scales.
