International Development Law Organization

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Strengthening the Capacities of Women Justice Professionals for Gender-Responsive Justice Delivery and Policy Making

Following the Tunisian revolution of  2011, the new Constitution adopted in 2014 aimed to embed the principle of equality between women and men as well as ensuring the State’s obligation to protect women’s rights. However, despite the reforms to the legal framework in Tunisia to increase protection for women against gender-based violence, justice sector professionals, particularly judges and bailiffs, have limited knowledge, skills and capacity to act as effective gender justice agents, as stipulated by the new Law.

Children’s Access to Justice in Mongolia

The COVID-19 pandemic and efforts to contain it have had severe and long-lasting impacts on Mongolia. Though prevention and containment measures have successfully prevented a large-scale health crisis, extended lockdowns have negatively affected children’s access to education, psychological and physical wellbeing and reduced the capacity of the Mongolian justice system to respond to crimes against children.

Statement by IDLO at the Nineteenth Session of the Assembly of State Parties to the Rome Statute

Nineteenth Session of the Assembly of State Parties to the Rome Statute

Mr. President of the Assembly,

Mr. President of the International Criminal Court,

Madam Prosecutor of the ICC,

Mr. Registrar,

Honorable Ministers,

Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Esteemed Representatives of the Civil Society,

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